Fraps is one of the best out there. You can find more information/free trial here:
Fraps. If you like it well enough, I have a registered version of Fraps I can send you too.
Let me know. I can throw it up on my site and forward you the link, or if you happen to have MSN messenger, that'd be easier.
Same here. I have a registered version of fraps that lets you record for as long as you want.
Aryan wrote:
Fraps is one of the best out there. You can find more information/free trial here: Fraps. If you like it well enough, I have a registered version of Fraps I can send you too.
Let me know. I can throw it up on my site and forward you the link, or if you happen to have MSN messenger, that'd be easier.
Yes i do have MSN its andrew.jackson14 i think i havent used it for awhile but ill be happy to talk to you on there about it
I believe there has to be an "" for it to work BlackEagle. You can also add me if it'll be easier. My addy is
McCauleyWB [at] msn [dot] com.
I too haven't used MSN for a while. It seems to have changed over to Windows Live Messenger. Why must everything I've grown accustomed to change? I don't like it nearly as well. Just thought I'd mention.
EDIT: I did get the notice. You are added. I'll check later tonight to see if you are on.
BlackEagle, one thing I forgot to ask was if you were starting Fraps before you started running your DirectX or Open GL program. I doubt it was something that simple, but it should be opened before loading a game to avoid any issues.